This enables Pre-Treatment Works like Desizing, Demineralization, Bleaching, Washing, Neutralization, Cold Rinsing with High Product Quality and Performance at once for the Grey Fabrics to be dyed,or printed,as Narrow or Open Width Textile Fabrics with Low Water,-Chemical,-Heat and Electricity Costs.
Wash-Off of Desizing Chemicals in Pre-Washboxes,after Discontinue-Desizing or Continue-Desizing by using of Desizing Steamer with Dwelling-Reaction Unit,and Wash-Off in Pre-Washboxes
Continue Demineralization Steamer with Dwelling-Reaction Units
Bleaching Impregnation Unit with Chemicals Dosage System
Bleaching Steamer with Dwelling-Reaction unit,
Combined Type with bounded and piled Fabric on Conveyor Rollerbed.
Washboxes-Conventional Bounded Up-and-Down Type
Neutralization by using of Acetic Acid and Cold Rinsing Bath
Washbox Fabric Capacities: 20 m single pass, 36 m double pass
Cylinder Drying Unit (optional): Steam heated, Cylinder Type, Energy Saving System
Waste Water Recovery System (optional)
Production Speed: 5 ? 100 m/min
Working Width: 1800 ? 3400 mm